
Drawn comics & art are by Paul. Photocomics are usually by Jesse.

MORT INKINGBOT – Comics categorized by Mort Inkingbot are usually puns taken literally, often with horrific results. There are no real story lines, but there are recurring characters: Bossbot, Coworkerbot, and Johnsontron. Some comic strips are political, about a robot president named Trumpbot, so “sorry not sorry” if that’s a problem.

DOPEY ROBOTS – These are robots I doodle up. Some of them may appear as characters in Mort’s comics but generally they’re sketches I clean up on the computer. Nearly every entry has a “bonus bots” of 2-5 other drawings that don’t make up their own entry. I have a series called “Princess Robo” that became its own thing (that link is a tag).

Jesse’s Photocomics – as of 2022, not many strips appear on this site (actually, it looks like I haven’t uploaded any of his comics since 2018). That’s mostly out of an inconvenience I’ve faced in updating this site on a desktop computer that basically required a crank and a few prayers to download images from an email and then reupload on this site. You can see some HERE as a sub-category (his name will be on them) but I’ve upgraded my computer and Jesse is upgrading his “studio” for future photocomics. Jesse’s had been posting strips on social media this whole time but took a break this year. He’ll be making new ones soon-ish and we’ll talk about how they’re presented here once he starts posting them on social media.

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